About Me

by Carol Ranas

Hi there! Welcome to my digital haven!


I am a Pinay Stay-at-Home Mom, currently crafting lifestyle content that revolves around our vibrant life in Europe. Originating from the beautiful Philippines, I find myself navigating the complexity of family life in a land far from our hometown. 

Since 2008, my online journey has been chronicled in this blog, initially serving as a personal journal capturing the essence of my experiences back in my hometown.

Over the years, my blog has evolved into a multifaceted space where I share the beauty of our European adventure as a family. From detailing our travels across diverse countries to reviewing products that have become a part of our daily lives, I aim to share my mix of insights, tips, and tried-and-tested hacks that can benefit my readers as they go through their own life experiences. 

As our family embarked on a transformative journey to the Netherlands, my blog seamlessly transitioned into a lifestyle hub, chronicling our efforts to inject our Filipino culture amidst the cultural richness of Europe. 

Subscribe and join me as I continue to explore, create, and share the joyous melange of our life’s adventures.

Come and join me on this journey called LIFE!

I’m open to exciting brand collaborations, product reviews, advertisements, and sponsorships.

For inquiries, drop a line in the contact form below.