Easy Vegan Nutella

by Carol Ranas
3 minutes read
I wanted to share this easy Nutella recipe for those who are vegan or people cutting/allergic to dairy. I found an easy recipe from Chocolate-Covered Katie which I followed regarding the measurement of ingredients, and adjusted it to my taste.

This Dairy-free Nutella is not the healthiest one because I adjusted the sugars according to my liking.
Here’s the recipe:


1,5 cups raw hazelnuts
1 1/2 tbsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
1 tsp coconut oil
1/4 cup honey (you can use whichever sweetener you like)
8 tbsp white sugar (I added this to adjust the sweetness to my liking)
pinch of pink Himalayan salt
1/2 cup milk of choice (I used soy milk)
2 tbsp cocoa powder


Roast raw hazelnuts for 10 mins at 200degC. (Note: I used a small convection oven)
Blend the roasted hazelnuts until you reach the butter consistency. This may take time depending on the type of blender/food processor you have. I used my baby’s food processor which took quite a while. A high-powered/heavy-duty food processor will make the job easier.
Melt the chocolate chips with 1 tbsp of oil
Add the melted chocolate along with the other ingredients.
Blend until you’ve reached a nice buttery consistency.
I added 2 tbsp of cocoa powder because I wanted a pronounced chocolate flavor (and failed! I didn’t add more so as not to ruin the taste)
I also added a splash of soy milk to adjust the consistency for I find it too heavy for my liking.

And voila! Even my son with a dairy allergy likes it. The spread has a pronounced nut taste because I went heavy on hazelnuts rather than on chocolate. (you may adjust the nut-chocolate ratio for your desired taste) The recipe yielded two small jars (as seen in the picture)

Hope you liked this recipe!

If you did follow this one, let me know what you think.
I’m open to suggestions. 🙂

I am not vegan. I follow vegan recipes for my son who is allergic to dairy (including any milk derivatives, eggs, and chicken). Vegan recipes have been helpful to me since.

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