12 Days of Christmas (FITNESS Edition)

by Carol Ranas
3 minutes read
It’s exactly 12 days before Christmas. While most are busy opening their presents/advent calendars, I decided to join in the trend. Instead of opening presents, I decided to jump start my metabolism by doing a fitness challenge.

It’s been almost two years since I had a good workout routine. I attempted several times post pregnancy, but my hormones keep messing me up. My appetite was out of control, adding the fact that I am fully breastfeeding, my metabolism was hibernating.

To start off one of my goals for 2019, I am doing a 12 days of fitness challenge to shake things up. Here’s my plan:

Day 1 (That’s today!) – 1 full run at the oval near the community center
Day 2 (Dec 14) – Push up exercise for at least 14 minutes (10 modified pushup and 3 full pushup).
Day 3 (Dec 15) – Finish one Insanity routine. THIS.IS.INSANE.
Day 4 (Dec 16) – Abs Exercises for 16 minutes. 4 variety of ab exercise.
Day 5 (Dec 17) – Arm Exercise with weights for 17 minutes.
Day 6 (Dec 18) – Push up Exercise for 18 minutes
Day 7 (Dec 19) – Squats (using weights) for 19 minutes
Day 8 (Dec 20) – Ab Exercise for 20 mins doing 4 variety.
Day 9 (Dec 21) – Arm Exercise (with weights) for 21 minutes
Day 10 (Dec 22) – Finish one Insanity routine. Let’s check my stamina here.
Day 11 (Dec 23) – 2 full run at the oval near the community center
Day 12 (Dec 24) – Squats (using weights) for 24 mins.

If you’ll observe, There are 6 types of exercises namely running, squats, arms, pushup, abs and cardio. My weak points will be running, arms and pushup (cardio, if I can actually last the Insanity workout). I strategically placed exercises I’m struggling at the earlier days. Adding the Insanity routine is a bit ambitious, so we’ll see how far I can go from there.

The goal of this challenge is to jump start my metabolism (and to sweat buckets!). One of my goals for 2019 is to get back on exercising and modifying my eating habits so I could lose the pregnancy weight.

If you also want to do the challenge, feel free to use this (or modify to your preference). I’ll update my progress on Instagram (follow me @carolranas) using the hashtag #12daysofxmasfitness #becarol.

Let the Fitness Challenge begin!

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