Blogger ng Pinas Basic Photography Tips and Tricks for Bloggers workshop

by Carol Ranas
4 minutes read
I attended the workshop hosted by Blogger ng Pinas titled ” Basic Photography Tips and Tricks for Bloggers at Fully Booked BGC last November 8. I was excited to attend because as a newbie DSLR owner, I know I have a lot of things to learn to make my shots stand out.

What I learned from the workshop

The first talk was about Basic Photography. Nervously clutching my camera, I listen intently to the speaker. I was immersed on the topic, Composition in Photography because I know that’s my weak spot. These are 5 things that we need to consider before taking a shot: Balancing elements, Framing, Viewpoint, Depth of Field and Lines. So aside from considering lighting, I have to take into consideration these 5. Wow, I observed how little I know about photography.

These 5 are helpful in getting the best perspective for your shot. They did discuss about aperture, ISO and shutter speed. They also gave out some tips and figures for the combinations of the three when taking indoor and outdoor shot. I was jotting down everything because I know that combining these three aspects have been my struggle, especially when I’m trying manually taken shots.

Second Talk was with Azrael about Blog publishing. I’ve known Azrael since last year when I started attending blogger events. He was a nice dude who told us newbies that the blogging community is a whole lot of fun. I can say that He was right!

Azrael shared how he started blogging and gave us a lot of tips on how to maintain a blog. He did mentioned a few tools he’s using for his blogposts. I picked up Photoscape since watermarking my photos have been a setback for me, especially when you have tons of pictures to watermark. I’ve been using the app Snapseed for all my photos taken using my iphone but the new Instagram interface is helpful also because it has added features which are similar to Snapseed.

After the workshop, we went to Olive Tree Kitchen and Bar which was just a few meters away from Fully Booked. We were given a chance to test out what we learned from the photography workshop.

Here are some shots that I made:

At the workshop, they mentioned that it will take a hundred of test shots before you get that perfect shot more or less, and I believe they were right. I took almost a hundred (both camera and iphone) and these are the only decent shots I was able to work with. There were A LOT of blurry shots. Sadly, my difficulty was with my hand. I have shaky hands so getting that focused and stable shot always takes a huge amount of effort.

With all the things I acquired from the workshop, I had a better understanding about the basics of photography. I may be miles from being an amateur photographer, but I’m taking baby steps so I could learn some skills to make me a better one.

Join me in my journey to making my shots better (and perfect too!).

Leave your tips and suggestions (in the comments) on how to make my shots better. I’d greatly appreciate it!

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1 comment

Unknown November 27, 2014 - 1:39 am

Love it! Thanks Carol! I love your photos. I wasn't able to take mine. Hahaha
