Celebrating Christmas Season with COVID-19 still around

by Carol Ranas
3 minutes read

 2020, you sure are working hard.

I won’t go further on how 2020 has been a haunted rollercoaster. Every month has been a surprise and it is safe to say that everyone is barely holding and are just done with it.

We prayed for a peaceful yuletide season, yet here we are on our second lockdown, a REAL one. The Netherlands is on lockdown from December 15 until January 19. Everything is closed, except stores with essential items, including schools and daycares. Christmas was cancelledt. All holiday plans were halted. 

Christmas Season

But despite all of that, as a true-blooded Filipino, we learn to adapt. We chose to see the silver lining despite all the complaints of all the dampened spirits. We tried to make our home as cozy as possible, decorating it to our heart’s content so the spirit of Christmas will rub on. We do that until we forget, for a moment, that we are still DEEP in the pandemic. 

Team Perez Soshi Daxton Kerst 2020

My family is still grateful because we are in a state where everything is okay for us. We were not hit hard. We had a low-key pleasant Christmas. All of us are still healthy. I know that is not the case for everyone, and for that, I acknowledge that we are on the privileged side. It may not sound pleasant, but that is the only thought that kept me sane throughout this year. I constantly remind myself to be grateful, for I know a lot of people have it worst, yet they are still fighting each day. 

Christmas Season Pandemic 2020

On a lighter note, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Let us all pray that the light at the end of this pitch-black tunnel will be seen in 2021. We got this! Let’s claim it!

What are you hoping for in 2021?
Let’s discuss this in the comment box!

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