by Carol Ranas
7 minutes read
Hello guys,

I know it’s been more than four months since I have updated this blog. A lot of you have been wondering what happened to me. Let me fill you inn with an update.

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You all know I got married in August (finally!). A month before my wedding, I decided to stop taking birth control pills and give the natural method a try just to check if the pills has not messed up my fertility. Two months on natural calendar method and everything seems to be running smoothly. So we decided to try one experiment, the lunar calendar method. The lunar calendar method helps you conceive a child which is a gender of your choice. It states that if you pro-create at the 12th day of your cycle calendar, you’ll be having a girl. While if you do it on the 14th day, you’ll have a boy.

So we went ahead and followed the calendar. I was not expecting to conceive yet because from the studies I have read and some experiences I’ve heard, if you are on the pill for years, it’ll take months before you can conceive a baby. That is also the reason why I am a bit confident to put these natural family planning methods to a test.

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Two months after my wedding, We finally confirmed that we are having a baby!

Let me tell you that it is two grueling months of anticipation. Soshi was really checking on me if I had my period or if there’s a glimmer of hope of us having a baby. I went ahead and made my first test after two months, coz that’s the only assurance i know that I am indeed pregnant.

We were so elated when the tests came out positive. We tried four different brands of home pregnancy kits and all of them returned with 2 lines (though some of them are faint). That’s our signal to go ahead and see a doctor to confirm it for real.

Currently, I’m have entered my last trimester. I’m proud to announce that I am having a baby boy!

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In my case, I have proved the lunar calendar to be effective because we really wanted to have a baby boy. I grew up with my father being the only guy and my sister’s baby is also a girl. We figured it is about time we have a boy in the family. I cannot say that the lunar calendar is 100% accurate because there is no scientific proof whatsoever, but I’m sure glad it worked for us. It may not be solely because of the lunar calendar that we are having a baby boy, a lot of factors can be taken into consideration like Soshi’s family genes may have stronger male chromosome, thus increasing the chances of us having a boy.

So there’s the reason why I am on hiatus for four months (and still counting).

I still have pending posts in my drafts box, waiting to get published. I apologize for the restaurants and brands for having no response to your messages. For my readers, please understand that I need to focus more on making myself healthy physically, mentally and spiritually so as to avoid complications in my pregnancy.

I know you miss the deliciousness and food reviews I’ve been doing in this blog, but for now most of my time has been dedicated to my full time work and making sure I have a healthy baby.

Also, I’ve been planning to revamp the site but I haven’t decided yet whether I should move to wordpress and hosting for a much slicker site.

For the meantime, make sure you follow me on my social media sites for some personal updates.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/carolranasblog
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carolranas
Twitter: www.twitter.com/carolranas

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1 comment

Silvia John February 24, 2018 - 4:05 pm

Gender selection natural technique is the best services and they have over 30 years of experiences which is absolutely mind blowing and they are really professional in this game. They are skilled and qualified for that particular service and have been giving the best services so far.
