Great Organic Dishes at Pott’s Point Cafe Eastwood

by Carol Ranas
9 minutes read
Eastwood had a special spot in my heart for the city complex offers a wide variety of places to eat, particularly specialty stores that focuses on healthy eating. My favorite healthy joint go-to places, Go Salads, Detoxify Bar and Juju Eats are among the stores that promotes healthy eating. 
A new store joins in as it opens their store in Eastwood Mall recently. Pott’s Point Cafe prides itself as one of the very few who offers a whole menu of organic food. 
Why Go Organic?
With the boom of population, the agricultural sector have been having a hard time keeping up with our food sources. In order to sustain human’s need to eat and survive, Genetically Modified (GM) food have conquered the food industry. GM food are produced by using chemical enhancers that are hazardous to our health. That is why health sectors have been promoting organic products. Organic products are produced using the natural way with less use of chemicals and pesticides. 

Pott’s Point Cafe is located at second floor veranda of Eastwood Mall. Its facade resembles of a quaint coffee shop with wall decor of books and chalkboard menu. But the store offers more than the home-y and cozy ambiance and good Delano coffee. Here are some items you can try:

Butternut Squash Soup (Php190)
This dish is made of Organic Butternut Squash with Organic Bacon and Cream Cheese Ravioli. The squash soup sure packs some flavor. The scarcity of the ravioli nor the flavor of bacon and cream cheese did not deter how this simple soup tastes great.

Mushroom Risotto Balls (Php220)
It is made of fried organic mushroom risotto balls with creamy pasta puree. This dish is a nice appetizer, yummy and will set your palate to order more of their dishes.

Rocket Salad (Php430)
This salad consists of a mixture of those bitter rocket greens and lettuce topped with glazed walnuts, pears, dried cranberries and Parmesan shaves. The drizzle of raspberry vinaigrette in combination of the fruit toppings made the salad a bit sweet which contrasts the bitter taste of rocket greens. 

Beef Pie (Php345)
This pie is made of seared Australian grass-fed beef sitting on mashed potatoes with garden salad on the side. The beef was tender and savory that it complements the pastry and mash.

Chicken Fillet (Php335)
It is made of Roasted Organic Chicken with Salasa Verde, Mango Cream, Garic Yoghurt Sauce on top of a Quinoa-Red rice. The chicken was bursting with flavors which was a bit too much for my taste buds. The red quinoa rice complements the chicken, but the chicken was overpowering everything.

Porkchops (Solo:Php345, Sharing: Php595)

It is made of Organic Fried Buttermilk Porkchops on top of Mashed potatoes with gravy served on the side. The porkchops were also overpowering with flavors. Good thing that their mash were made a bit bland to complement the pork. 

As for desserts, Pott’s Point have an interesting selection of desserts. Mostly it comprises of pastries with ice cream and everything that tastes nice. Here are some of the desserts we’ve tried:

Butterscotch Budino (Php160)

The budino tasted similar to a hybrid of pudding and pana cotta. The budino is topped with butterscotch with Salted Caramel and diamond sable cookies. 

Sticky Toffee Pudding (Php190)

This is English Sticky Toffee Pudding with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side. This tasted more like a pastry, like our very own bibingka in consistency, but more sticky, tight and definitely delicious.

Strawberry, Kiwi and Mango Trifle (Php185)

This trifle is very light and fresh, because of the prescence of fruits. It can be eaten as a dessert or even have it for breakfast, just skip the cocoa syrup. Yum!

Delano Coffee
Pott’s Point Cafe serves Delano Organic Coffee which are imported from Australia. I chose flat white because I find latte too boring or just too creamy. Flat white has a nice balance of bitterness from the coffee and creaminess of the milk. Make sure to try it for only a few coffee shops serve flat white.

Flat White Coffee

Pott’s Point Cafe prides itself of a whole selection of organic dishes which will make the health buff people rejoice. So whenever you are in Eastwood and looking for a place to eat without ruining your diet or health regimen, drop by Pott’s Point Cafe.

How do you keep up on eating healthy?

Share it with me in the comments below!

Pott’s Point Cafe
2nd Flr. Veranda
Eastwood Mall, Quezon City
Like their Facebook Page

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