Hang out and have fun at The Chillout Project Kitchen and Bar Taft Manila

by Carol Ranas
9 minutes read
I remember my college days when I visited the Taft Area for a food review. I reminisce on how breezy and simple my college life was. Study hard, party harder was the main activities that fill up most of my college days. Now I am back in Taft for a food review at The Chillout Project Kitchen and Bar.

The Chillout Project Kitchen and Bar  is located at the back of La Salle Taft, nesting at the rooftop of a commerical building along the happy street of Fidel Reyes. A lot of La Salle-istas are familiar of this spot because their interiors are too pretty to not notice.

We were invited to try out their comfort food dishes that most college students around this area enjoyed after a hard day of studying. They have a good selection of appetizers or “pulutans” which will match their good selection of drinks.

Here are some of the dishes we tried that night:

Southern Buffalo Wings (Php199)

Doritos Cheezy Balls Overload (Php199)

Manong’s Tusok Tusok (Php199)

Spam Fries (Php229)

But before you fill up those bellies with alcohol, it’s best to make your tummy happy first, by prepping it with good grubs. Believe me, you wouldn’t want to start your night “calling crows” (a famous catchphrase for you avid drinkers) because you were too exited to get wasted that you missed having a decent dinner. Here are easy grubs that you can eat first before ordering that first pitcher of drinks:

The Chillout Pizza (Php269)

Smoked Ribs Wolf Pack (Php619)

I was too scared to be stuck on traffic so I arrived way to early. To pass time, they gave me a pink Lemonada and some magazines while waiting for other foodies.

Pink Lemonada (Php55)

The Chillout Project Kitchen and Bar have impressive selection of alcoholic drinks that will surely fit a student’s budget. Here are some of the drinks we tried that night:

Black Forest Shooters (Php129)
This tasted somewhat like Tempra with a bit of sweetness from the chocolate and cream.

Passionfruit Margarita (Php109)
This passionfruit margarita is a great pick for the ladies and those who are not fond of bitter/strong alcoholic drinks. It has the right balance of sweetness and alcohol that does not activate your gag reflexes.

Voodoo Party Size (Php329)
The Voodoo drink resembles to what I usually prepare for my dorm mates way back in college. It is a mix of almost everything you’ll regret drinking when you wake up the morning after: vodka, tequila and white rhum sweetened and mixed with syrups to mask the outrageous alcohol it contains. If you are in a hurry to get tipsy, better drown yourself with this drink. ;p
Overall, The Chillout Project Kitchen and Bar is the perfect place to unwind and hangout after those dreadful hours of studying. I was a bit envious of the students now because they now have these cool places to hang out around the U-belt area. Back then, we only get to drink what we want and have “walwal-an sessions” inside our dorm rooms, sneaking through our land lady’s prying eyes. Now, I’m starting to sound like an old lady, hahaha!
What do you usually do to unwind in college?  

Share it in the comments below and Let’s reminisce!
The Chillout Project Kitchen and Bar
 Fidel Reyes St., Malate Manila

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