Krispy Kreme Speculous Cookie Butter Donuts

by Carol Ranas
3 minutes read
It’s no secret that Trader Joe’s Speculoos Cookie Butter spreads are a huge hit here in Manila. When it hit here, almost boxes of cookie butter jars were shipped here just to cater the increasing demand here in thge metro. Several establishments and online store carry it now as their product and even food establishments try to incorporate it in their menu.

Krispy Kreme was one of the pioneers in utilizing cookie butter in their menu. They recently launched their cookie butter donut variants.

They came up with two donut variants for the cookie butter line, the white chocolate vanilla cookie butter and dark chocolate vanilla cookie butter. The cookie butter spread is incorporated into their vanilla filling. It is an innovative idea to do so. I was expecting the cookie butter to just be used creatively as a topping from their usual glazed donut (just like what Go Nuts Donuts did).

I got my hands on both donuts one afternoon when I passed by the Krispy Kreme Glorietta branch. I find the white chocolate variant too sweet to my liking. The white chocolate topped with chocolate chips did not compliment the cookie butter filling, which resulted to an overload of sweetness.

I prefer the taste of the dark chocolate vanilla cookie butter donut. I think what makes the dark chocolate a hit for me is because the dark chocolate did not empower the taste of the cookie butter filling, and the french biscuit topping complemented the filling.

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Which Cookie Butter Donut variant do you like?

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