A breathe of cool air this Autumn (Post Pandemic)

by Carol Ranas
4 minutes read

Summer is slowly slipping away as the cool breeze of Autumn air touches our face. We breathe in and exhale as we look forward to the end of the pandemic tunnel. The cold season has officially started, yet we  are hopeful that everything is starting to go back to normal.

Herfst Autumn Netherland Post COVID-19 Pandemic

In the Netherlands, all covid restrictions have been lifted, provided that you have proof of vaccination. We are clearly moving towards going back to normal. But we are all aware that the new “normal” will feel different. We may not experience the same things that we enjoy pre-pandemic time.

The pandemic have brought some good things to us. We have prioritised only the things that make us happy, less instant gratification and more of long term happiness. We were forced to save more during this year long pandemic due to limitations and restrictions. A lot of restrictions have been an opportunity for us to reevaluate our priorities. 

Herfst Autumn Netherland Post COVID-19 Pandemic

From our side, the past three months are a rollercoaster of emotions. We were trying to buy our first home in the middle of a pandemic. Risky, but it was the right time for us. The government have implemented laws to waive property transfer taxes in favour for younger people/families to be able to afford a starter house. Everything fell into place as our savings were now enough for us to afford our first house in the Netherlands.

Despite this opportunity, it has been a struggle as the housing market is crazier. There is a lot of demand and very scarce supply of homes. A lot of people have taken this chance to make profit. After a lot of endless viewings and rejections, with a stroke of luck, our bid offer for a house was accepted.

Herfst Autumn Netherland Post COVID-19 Pandemic

I feel like after the house purchase, we are slowly integrating and getting acclimated in the Netherlands. We are now starting our lives and looking forward for the future. We have firmly planted our base and nurturing our family to grow and thrive. 

Busy times in this colder season, I am hopeful that I can get more motivation in the succeeding months of 2021. Anxiety and writer’s block will soon dissipate from my mind, and a clearer picture for what the future lies will soon form. 2021 is almost over, we are trying to savour the few remaining months, making more memories.

What are your thoughts on “post-pandemic” normal now that everything is opening up?

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