I just want to share the new nail color I sported.
I never had my nails long because my skin is so sensitive that a scratch from my nails can cause me rashes. But since I was so hooked with the pretty nail colors available during the summer, I decided to have my nails a bit longer than the usual.
Before I applied the nail color, I cleaned my nails and applied two coats of Caronia Nail Hardener/Base Coat two days before. And I addedanother coat before applying the nail color.
I used Caronia in Little Miss Piggy. The color is quite sheer, so to achieve the solid color I wanted, I applied three coats before topping it with two coats of Caronia’s Fast Dry/Top Coat.
I really need more practice on the application part since my hands are “pasmado” all the time. After applyig the top coat, I went to bed already coz I was too sleepy that time. I woke up doubfounded to find that I made hairline scratches on it. I was too lazy to redo it again so I let it be, though it looked horrible.
The color lasted for a week before it started chipping off. My remedy would be to cut my nails about 2 cm, then apply another coat of top coat..