Simply Chic OOTD

by Carol Ranas
2 minutes read

Here’s what I wore one weekend. I had two events to attend to that time, one was the press screening of Turbo 3D in the morning and food tasting at YummySoy The Fort in the afternoon.

The Turbo 3D screening was packed with adorable kids. It was THE weekend so it means family day for most people. Turbo 3D was fun to watch, making the inner dreamer in me cringe with delight.

I took a nap at the office while I was waiting for 5PM for the food tasting event. YummySoy opened its new branch at The Fort Strip and Aldous invited us to sample their products. Beancurd snacks or otherwise known as Taho is my go-to healthy snack option. I loved their original chilled beancurd snack and the almond variant as well.

This was the last time I would be wearing my beloved sneaker wedge. As of this moment, it died a tragic death. Marley, my golden retreiver dog had fun munching my sneaker wedge that I cried when I saw the horror of what Marley did to it. T__T

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