Master Cleanse Day 8 and 9…

by Carol Ranas
2 minutes read

Day 8:
I was busy the whole day at school, I haven’t got time to drink the tea so as soon as I got home, I took the tea and it was around 7PM already. I regretted drinking the tea that late because around 12 midnight, while I was about to go into sleep, my stomach began to ache that I knew the tea was working its magic. But it wasn’t until 2AM before the movement commenced.I was pissed off because I wanted to catch more sleep for I will be at school the whole day tomorrow. Darn.

Day 9:
Still busy at school. We had lectures the whole day. During lunch break, I took a nap at the classroom while all my classmates are having lunch (gosh, I really miss eating). All of them asked if I would join them for lunch, I refused saying I just wanted to sleep. Poor me, I had to sit through a 6 hours lecture feeling sleepy and a bit hungry. I was hungry in the sense that I could smell distinctively what my seatmate was munching. But the juice had eased up my hunger. Everytime I drank the juice, I wouldn’t feel hungry anymore.
BTW, I have known the best recipe for the lemon juice that suits my taste. I followed the recipe diligently (without adding more cane sugar) and I always make sure to finish off the whole liter before the day eds. Also I make sure that the cayenne doesn’t sit for hours on the juice for it will taste bad. I estimate always the amount I would be consuming for the day. And it turned out quite well, I did not have the feeling of gagging whenever I drank the juice.
Tomorrow will be my last day, I am looking forward to the orange juice and soup (I even researched some tasty recipes). After the ease-out, I’ll start doing the South Beach Phase 1 to shed off the stubborn fats. I’ll also start doing the Hip Hop Abs Exercise to tone my tummy and legs.

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