Overnight at Efteling Bosrijk [Review]

by Carol Ranas
5 minutes read

We went to Efteling this August to fully enjoy it on summer. Since Daxton had so much fun that time, we decided to go back. This time we opted to stay in Efteling Bosrijk overnight to have an unrushed experience and to try the rides we missed last time (the Sprookjesbos!).

We have been fascinated with Efteling. It has that fairytale vibe without the excessive grandeur that Disneyland offers. It was spooky and magical at the same time. Efteling has three accommodation options namely, Efteling Hotel, Bosrijk and Loonsche Land. We browsed for great deals and found one at Efteling Bosrijk. We got an overnight stay for less than $300 which included parking and entrance to Efteling for almost two days.

Efteling Bosrijk is a 10-minute walk in the woods/forest going to Efteling. It is a vacation home park with a cabin-in-the-woods vibe. It was the perfect weather during September, ample amount of sunshine and cool weather. In Europe, it is more common to go to a vacation home during the holidays.


Our room is located in the apartment complex way back of the vacation home park, about 5 5-minute walk. We didn’t mind it as we got to explore the area.

It is a 2 bedroom small apartment for four people. It is perfect for small families. The room was nice and up-to-date. There are extra things inside that make the stay a bit homey. Our room has a view of the playground, and the room comes with an Efteling TV channel. They were more than enough to entertain Daxton while in the area.


Our stay included breakfast which was a good deal. Our expectations were low during breakfast. Breakfast here is mainly continental, which comprises bread and spreads with coffee for breakfast. Due to COVID-19, there wasn’t a breakfast buffet, each table was decked with an etage of bread and spreads, and a coffee machine at the corner.

The surprising thing is that we were able to request bacon, fruits, and eggs! Milk and Fresh juice are also available upon request. It was one fullfiling breakfast which got us through late lunch. We ate our lunches and dinner inside the theme park.


We had the best two days at Efteling. We weren’t in a hurry to try all the rides, and we were able to try the other rides we missed last time. We were really lucky to get a great deal with accommodations. We were happy campers for we were able to get the most out of our stay. We had enough Efteling experience that would last us through 2020! 
What do you like about Efteling? 
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