Wild Ginger: A taste of South East Asian Cuisine at Powerplant Mall

by Carol Ranas
6 minutes read
Zomato is a useful app that compiles a lot of data about different restaurants all across the Metro. They invite their foodie reviewers and members to a regular “foodie meetup” where you get to bond with the people behind Zomato and fellow food reviewers, and at the same time, you can help update the app with check-ins, reviews that would aid curious foodies.

I have been invited to another Foodie Meetup at Wild Ginger Powerplant Mall. I enjoy our foodie meetups because aside from the good spread of delicious food, Zomato peeps has prepared some activities to make the meetup enjoyable and entertaining. 
Wild Ginger is located at the lower ground floor of the Powerplant Mall. They have been serving South east Asian cuisine for years now. Powerplant Mall is their only branch. Despite the simplicity of their interiors, loyal patrons keep coming back because of their food.
Here’s a peek of what we had that night:

Crispy Veggie Spring Rolls (Php145)

Their Crispy Veggie Spring Rolls is Singapore style Lumpia with vegetable filling and instead of the usual chili dipping sauce, it was served with curry dipping sauce

Spinach and Dhal Chapati (Php165)

Spinach and Dhal Chapati is an Indian Sandwich with spicy lentils and spinach served with home made yogurt sauce. It’s similar to an Indian Quesidillas.

Green Mango Salad (Php165)

Green Mango Salad is one of my favorite Thai dishes. It is a nice tangy shredded salad that goes well with my favorite Pad Thai and curry.

Pad Thai (Php245)

Pad Thai is flat rice noodle dish which is also considered as a national Thai dish. Pad Thai is also one of my favorite Thai dishes. Wild Ginger’s version is not sweet and not salty, perfect for people on a low-sodium/restricted diet. But for me, I liked my Pad Thai to be sweet and salty, complete with the egg nest for presentation.

Beef Rendang (Php285)

Beef Rendan is an Indonesian Beef Stew rich with flavors. Wild Ginger’s Rendang has a subtle taste, not too overpowering like the usual authentic Rendang.

Thai Green Chicken Curry (Php285)

We were told that Wild Ginger’s Thai Green Chicken Curry recipe was from their friend from Bangkok. Well, most of the dishes at Wild Ginger were all hand down from generations from friends and family members.

As for desserts, the choices are very limited. We were able to try two among the three choices:

Gula Melaka (Php75)

Gula Melaka is Southeast Asian tapioca balls with palm sugar and crushed ice. It is similar to our Sago’t Gulaman but with a prominent palm sugar taste.

Sticky Toffee Pudding (Php155)

Last but not the least and my favorite that evening, Sticky Toffee Pudding. It is a luscious British-Australian masterpiece of a cake that was so moist, packs flavor and not too sweet. Wild Ginger’s Sticky Toffee Pudding is a dish not to be missed. EVER!

Overall, Wild Ginger offers delicious South East Asian dishes at an affordable price. Some of their dishes may not taste similar as the authentic ones, but their best dishes are really worth coming back for. Most of the dishes are remake or own versions handed down generation to generation. Foodies and Purists looking for Authentic Asian flavors and cuisine may think that Wild Ginger’s dishes are too dull and unappetizing, but I think that the normal Filipino palate will like Wild Ginger dishes, not too strong and overpowering, home-cooked and adjusted just the way they like it.

What is your favorite South East Asian Dish? Share it in the comments below!

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